Big "Krone" talk

Mausi’s oil millionaire on marriage, money and the opera ball

24.05.2024 20:00

Two people have found each other! Christina "Mausi" Lugner's new love has been dominating the headlines in local society for days. The "Krone" asked oil millionaire Ernst Prost for an interview. He not only sent us pictures of their recent days together on a hike in Bavaria, but also spoke openly about his affection for her, one of the most public figures in the country after all.

As a manager and entrepreneur, the German Ernst Prost made money. Really big money. So much, in fact, that today, years after leaving big business and now aged 67, he no longer needs to talk about it. Unless you explicitly ask "Mausi" Lugner's new partner about it.

Rich in monetary terms, but ...
The "Krone" ADABEI did, of course, when we caught the lovers after a few days of hiking in the Bavarian Alps. "If I had been asked this question in the past, I would have said that I am rich in experience, but also rich in pain." And today? "Of course I am in monetary terms." And recently, he has also become rich in love: "At the moment, not a piece of paper fits between the two of us. We spend day and night together, either with her in Vienna or with me now in Reit im Winkl."

They seem like Puck the housefly and the Alm-Öhi, in fact Christina Lugner and Ernst Prost don't want or allow anyone to put a label on them. They live their love and enjoy their happiness. (Bild: privat)
They seem like Puck the housefly and the Alm-Öhi, in fact Christina Lugner and Ernst Prost don't want or allow anyone to put a label on them. They live their love and enjoy their happiness.

Ernst Prost always speaks appreciatively and respectfully of his "Mrs. Lugner". Behind the wild beard and tousled hair is a lot of empathy, life experience and sensitivity. Admittedly, the world in which his new love lives is, as he says himself, "completely alien" to him, who has been living his life as a "dropout" for years. But the little they have in common is so strong that they don't just want to give it a serious try for a short time.

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Yes, I am rich in experiences, also rich in pain, rich in joy, rich in love and also have a busy life.

Ernst Prost, früher angesprochen auf seinen Reichtum

Rumor has it that Prost has a handsome fortune of around 400 million euros. All hard-earned, all earned by himself. Which begs the question: what role does money play in his life today, now that he is no longer actively managing the fortunes of "Liqui Moly"?

"Money used to play a big role when I didn't have any," he tells us. "My mother was a factory worker and a refugee. My father was a bricklayer. There was nothing there. Yes, and then of course money played a role." He continues: "That's how I learned to appreciate work as a means of earning money. And of course money is important. And now? Now I'm an old bag. Now I have money and then it just won't be ..." At the age of 67, which he counts as 67, we had to hit him on the word "old". Prost laughs: "So then delete 'old' and just write sack ..."

Animal encounter: "Mausi" in conversation with a cow high up on the mountain pasture (Bild: privat)
Animal encounter: "Mausi" in conversation with a cow high up on the mountain pasture
The wiser gave in: "Mausi" avoided the cow, as she had obviously made her point of view clear. (Bild: privat)
The wiser gave in: "Mausi" avoided the cow, as she had obviously made her point of view clear.

The former top manager has never been married. But isn't it said that there's a first time for everything? "That's true - I know what you're referring to," he chuckles, "Mrs. Lugner and I are already life-tested and experienced in the world. We're just going to take it step by step and see if we can synchronize. As I said, interlocking. We're enjoying the time, of course, without putting ourselves under any pressure or stress. It's nice to approach it with an open mind."

Lugner and Prost together through thick and thin and through the pouring rain high up in the mountains (Bild: privat)
Lugner and Prost together through thick and thin and through the pouring rain high up in the mountains

Gossip girl meets dropout manager
No matter what tests fate throws at them in the near future (one of them is on June 1, when "Mausi's" ex, Richard Lugner, gets married and they perform there), they want to face them all. Ernst Prost, in particular, wants to jump over his shadow, because the glamorous society world is not his world at all: "A concrete example. She likes to watch TV. Of course, that's also part of her media presence, finding out who is marrying whom and why, etc. She calls it gossip. She calls it gossip. I've never heard of gossip either and I haven't watched TV for 20 years."

The journey was the goal: the couple finally made it to the top - albeit completely soaked. Together they go through thick and thin. (Bild: privat)
The journey was the goal: the couple finally made it to the top - albeit completely soaked. Together they go through thick and thin.

When we speak to Ernst Prost, he has just completed a hike with his Christina. Both are tired but happy. And that is obviously what connects the two of them. Even though he prefers to be in the mountains and she prefers to be at charity and glamorous events: "They are two different worlds, you have to be clear about that. I've always preferred my peace and quiet and she needs the public stage. She always needs people around her. She needs the party and being a society lady and the red carpet and, and, and. I'm not like that, but I get involved, I go along with it and I actually find it quite funny."

Does that mean we might see the duo at the next Opera Ball? "Yes, why not? It's a new experience. I might say 'I'll never go there again', but you always have to try something new in life ..."

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read the original article here.

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