Beware the trap

Web scammers lure you in with promises of refunds

24.05.2024 16:00

Not all emails with promises of money are from brazen fraudsters who want to rip you off, as Netflix customers are currently experiencing. Nevertheless, a healthy dose of mistrust is a good thing. Because fake messages from ÖGK are currently luring people into traps.

"Netflix refunds customers from Austria up to 30 euros!" A few days ago, a message from the streaming provider with an alleged refund also made numerous Tyrolean customers suspicious. This is because the almost daily warnings about emails with a fraudulent background, many of which also hold out the prospect of sums of money, made a number of recipients suspicious.

However, Netflix customers can - as reported - be pleased that this is not, as many suspected, a new scam by web fraudsters. Following a complaint by the Chamber of Labor, the streaming service has to pay back 20 or 30 euros to numerous customers. The background to the dispute was price increases by Netflix in 2019 and 2020.

Emails in the name of the health insurance fund
The situation is different with notifications allegedly sent by the Austrian Health Insurance Fund (ÖGK), which are increasingly landing in the mailboxes of insured persons. "I received an email telling me that I would receive a refund of 2539 euros," a Tyrolean man (72) was surprised. The man called ÖGK, where he was finally told not to click on the attached link or provide any personal details.

"Hands off!" ÖGK warns against phishing emails
"It would be quite mysterious if ÖGK suddenly transferred money to me out of nowhere," the pensioner almost has to smile. "Hands off! These messages are an attempt at fraud," warns the ÖGK on its website.

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