Before the demolition

Sportclub invites you to the last dance in the old stadium

24.05.2024 15:00

There won't be a dry eye in Hernals on Friday evening. For the last time, a WSC men's team - the ladies are still in action on Saturday - will play a championship match on the venerable pitch before it is demolished and rebuilt from June. Tickets for the last dance on the Alszeile are in high demand.

"We want another really great atmosphere. We're already sold out online," says David Krapf Günther, vice-boss of Wiener Sportclub ahead of today's very last championship match on the Sportclub pitch before it is demolished and rebuilt. "But of course we still have tickets at the box office so that everyone who wants to be there has the opportunity to do so." Up to 4,000 spectators are expected.

The club is keeping a close eye on the players' performance. (Bild: urbantschitsch mario)
The club is keeping a close eye on the players' performance.

As at the last two home games, some black and white legends will be among them: "We are always happy when deserving players want to come to us." Also on June 7 and 9 at the official "demolition parties". In sporting terms, the season is virtually over for Dornbach, who are currently seventh in the Regionalliga Ost. "Viktoria would have to fall over twice more for us to still have a chance of an ÖFB Cup place," calculates Krapf Günther.

But there is still something at stake for the players: "We are keeping a very close eye on things. Now the players have the opportunity to show us whether they want to set foot in the new stadium in two years' time." Meanwhile, league rivals Marchfeld have parted company with coach Hannes Friesenbichler. Sports director Ernst Baumeister will take over until the end of the season.

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