Major restoration

Cathedral now has a new shine

24.05.2024 05:55

The ravages of time have left their mark on St. Pölten Cathedral. The major 8 million euro restoration will start in summer. In eight stages, the landmark of the provincial capital will be restored to its former glory.

The cathedral square in the provincial capital has already been redesigned and now the eponymous church is to be restored to its former glory. A phased restoration of the St. Pölten landmark is planned until 2031.

The heart of faith
The church building has its origins in the year 790; almost 1000 years later, the former monastery church of the Augustinian canons became a cathedral church with the founding of the diocese of St. Pölten. "Lower Austria is the land of abbeys, monasteries and cathedrals," emphasizes Governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner. St. Pölten Cathedral is a baroque architectural jewel "in which the heart of faith is at home", said Mikl-Leitner. Bishop Alois Schwarz pointed out that the cathedral in the center of the provincial capital with the cathedral museum and the "new" square in front of it is not only a church center, but also a cultural center.

Governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner and Bishop Alois Schwarz gave the go-ahead for the renovation of the cathedral in St. Pölten. (Bild: Gerhard Pfeffer)
Governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner and Bishop Alois Schwarz gave the go-ahead for the renovation of the cathedral in St. Pölten.

Renovation starts in summer
The state, city, heritage office and diocese all agree that this historical and cultural heritage must be safeguarded. All these institutions are making their financial contribution to the costs of eight million euros. The plan is to renovate the façade, re-roof the nave and apse, restore the cloister, the interior and the church furnishings. In addition, the electrical installations, lighting and media technology are to be brought up to date. Stone masonry work on the apse façade will begin in the summer to prevent further weathering.

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