Fivers handball players

“We remain stubborn and defiant on our path”

23.05.2024 09:00

The Fivers handball team reached the semi-finals of the league for the 19th time in a row this season. However, Linz was the last stop there. However, manager Thomas Menzl knows that the team from Margot is something very special and explains what makes his club so special.

"Of course that hurts." Thomas Menzl, manager of the Fivers handball team, makes no secret of the fact that although they are very proud to be the only team to have reached the league semi-finals for the 19th time in a row, they would have liked more. Now the season ended with a bitter 30:32 defeat in Linz on Tuesday evening.

Thomas Menzl is already looking to the future. (Bild: Mario Urbantschitsch)
Thomas Menzl is already looking to the future.

But as he licks his physical and psychological wounds, it is striking how special the young squad's semi-final appearance was and still is: "We were the only team to do without legionnaires and have the youngest goalkeeping duo in the entire league." In addition, the Margargentens send one or more players abroad every year. Marc Andre Haunold left the club for Germany during the season, while national team winger Eric Damböck tearfully bid farewell to Switzerland.

Eric Damböck (right) goes to Switzerland. (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Eric Damböck (right) goes to Switzerland.

Another bloodletting, but the "Gallic village" of Margareten will not be deterred: "We will remain stubbornly and defiantly on our path and keep the Austrian players' flags flying high in the league." Even in the coming season, preparations for which are already underway.

Atzgersdorf's women are still in the running for the title. They are trailing 0:1 in the best-of-3 final series against Hypo NÖ and would like to level the score with a home win tomorrow (20:20, live on ORF Sport +).

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read the original article here.

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