Network smashed

Italy strikes a blow against the Turkish mafia

22.05.2024 11:31

The Italian authorities have succeeded in striking a major blow against the Turkish mafia. The Milan public prosecutor's office had 18 people arrested. The group was probably led by one of the most wanted men in Turkey.

The Milan public prosecutor's office has broken up a criminal network by issuing an arrest warrant for 18 people of Turkish origin living in Italy, Switzerland, Germany and Turkey.

Those arrested are accused of being members of an armed gang that pursues terrorist aims, the investigators explained on Wednesday. The group was led by suspected Turkish mafia boss Baris Boyun, one of Ankara's most wanted men.

Hundreds of police officers involved
They are also accused of possessing weapons and explosives, international drug trafficking, murder and aiding and abetting illegal immigration. Hundreds of police officers from Switzerland and Italy were involved in the raid. The investigation began in October 2023 after three members of the organization were arrested while trying to enter Switzerland.

Two pistols, ammunition and propaganda material were confiscated. Subsequent investigations revealed that the three were accompanying their leader, 39-year-old Boyun, and his partner, who were traveling in another car. An arrest warrant was also issued for the couple.

Boyun coordinated despite an ankle bracelet
Investigators discovered that Boyun was operating and coordinating his network throughout Europe from a house in Crotone in southern Italy, where he was under house arrest for arms trafficking and wearing an electronic anklet. He is said to have organized the illegal entry of migrants via Balkan countries as well as terrorist crimes in Europe.

In Turkey, Boyun is said to have been the "mastermind" of the planned attack on an aluminum factory, which was foiled thanks to the exchange of information between the Italian and Turkish police. According to the investigators, Boyun had weapons with high firepower and a lot of money, mainly from the drug trade, but also from cigarette and drug smuggling.

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