Letter to employees

Red Bull headquarters to remain in Austria

22.05.2024 10:02

The world-famous Red Bull brand has been the subject of wild speculation in recent weeks and months. Now there are clear messages from the owners about its future.

In recent weeks and months, Red Bull, Austria's best-known brand by far and a company with a global reputation, has had to deal with a multitude of internationally circulated rumors and speculation:

  1. There was talk - based on various controversies in the world champion Formula 1 team - of increasing tensions. There was talk of a power struggle that could also spread to the management of the billion-euro company.
  2. Of differences of opinion among the shareholders, who were unable to agree on a common line following the death of company founder and decades-long sole managing director Dietrich Mateschitz (end of 2022).
  3. The temporary climax was marked by public speculation that Red Bull was considering withdrawing its headquarters from Austria and relocating it to Asia. Possibly even for tax reasons.

Headquarters remain in Austria
Red Bull has now reacted. In the spirit of its founder Dietrich Mateschitz, who had always placed the tradition of internal information sharing above excessive external statements. According to Krone information, the shareholders of Red Bull GmbH (51 percent owned by the Yoovidhyah family, 49 percent by Mark Mateschitz) addressed their 17,000 employees worldwide on Wednesday, one and a half years after the operational reorganization of the group.

One of the key messages of this letter comes at the end: the commitment to the headquarters in Austria (Fuschl in Salzburg), which transfers more than half a billion euros in tax payments to the Republic of Austria every year. "The global activities of the billion-euro group will continue to be "managed and coordinated by the Austrian headquarters", it says. Signed: Chalerm and Saravoot Yoovidhya as well as Mark Mateschitz, who are pictured in a joint photo.

The owners Chalerm (right) and Saravoot Yoovidhya with Mark Mateschitz demonstrate unity. (Bild: zajcmaster)
The owners Chalerm (right) and Saravoot Yoovidhya with Mark Mateschitz demonstrate unity.

"Can be proud of it"
Beforehand, the Red Bulls' shareholders point to the successes that have been achieved since the organizational changes at the end of 2022. "We can be proud of how we have mastered the challenges of this time together," they say. "There have been successes in the one and a half years that were so great that everyone outside the company could see them. And there were many smaller successes behind the scenes. We have also seen these successes."

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Austria is an attractive and strong business location that is home to many globally active companies. With their tax contributions, these companies make a significant contribution to financing our highly developed welfare state and create valuable jobs. (...) We are grateful that Austria's best-known brand by far (...) has made a clear commitment to Austria as a business location. This is by no means a matter of course.


Finanzminister Magnus Brunner (ÖVP)

New records
In the letter, the beverage giant refers to new records: "2023 was once again the most successful year in Red Bull's history, with more than 12 billion cans sold." 2024 is already looking like another record year. Nevertheless, it is "not a matter of course that every year will be the best in our history. And it is something special that we were able to set new records again in 2023." One reason for this is that Red Bull's success story has consisted of the same ingredients for many years: "The commitment, expertise and teamwork of the people who work for Red Bull." They want to say "thank you" for this with this message.

The Red Bull headquarters will remain in Fuschl am See in Salzburg. (Bild: Scharinger Daniel)
The Red Bull headquarters will remain in Fuschl am See in Salzburg.

That is why - "even if rumors have been circulating recently" - there is absolutely no reason to change the direction. "We will continue to set ourselves goals that others consider unattainable - and we will continue to achieve them. We will continue not to waste time listening to people who have a lot of opinions and very little knowledge."

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