Reunion with son

Heinz Hoenig: Touching first photo after risky surgery

21.05.2024 11:54

Acting legend Heinz Hoenig (72) recently woke up from anesthesia after a risky esophagus operation lasting several hours. His wife Annika Kärsten-Hoenig said that her husband was doing well under the circumstances and shared a touching photo of them together.

On Monday, the actor's wife shared the first photo of Heinz Hoenig from hospital. As RTL reported, the picture showed the tightly clasped hands of Hoenig, Annika and their three-year-old son Juliano.

Annika was delighted that the visit was a "huge surprise".

Heinz Hoeing and his wife Annika (Bild:üller,Ralf / Action Press)
Heinz Hoeing and his wife Annika

Hoenig "draws his strength from the children"
"It was of course a huge surprise when I stood in the doorway with the little one - there were lots and lots of tears of joy. And Juliano was also incredibly happy and gave his dad a big kiss. That was really, really nice," Annika Kärsten-Hoenig told RTL.

The 39-year-old thanked the doctors for making this possible. "Heinz is drawing his strength from the children right now," explained Kärsten-Hoenig. Their youngest son Jianni (1) was not allowed to be at his father's bedside. But: sweet photos of their children now hang on the wall.

Aorta operation still to be decided
The 72-year-old is currently recovering from a delicate operation on his oesophagus. In nine months at the earliest, the doctors will then attempt to pull the stomach up so far that they can form a new oesophagus from it.

In the next few days, they will also decide when a pending operation on the aorta can take place. Heinz Hoenig's condition must first be stable enough for this.

If he comes through the operation on the aorta well, the former jungle camp participant can leave the clinic and be cared for at home - including artificial nutrition.

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