Because of the espionage scandal

Maurer: “FPÖ is a party that betrays its homeland”

23.04.2024 13:15

The right-wing populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) is involved in a spying scandal. The Greens see themselves vindicated and draw parallels to the FPÖ's links to Russia. Klubfrau Sigrid Maurer accuses the two closely networked right-wing parties of being "traitors to the homeland".

The FPÖ and AfD are both involved in espionage scandals, one party in a Russian one, the other now in a Chinese one, Maurer said in a press release. "Once again, it shows what kind of minds the right-wing extremists and right-wing populists in Europe are". Both parties are "obviously prepared to betray their own country - they are only interested in their own advantage".

The AfD employee, who worked in the office of EU lead candidate Maximilian Krah, is alleged to have spied on Chinese opposition members in Germany and the EU Parliament. He was arrested last night and is to be brought before the investigating judge on Tuesday, who will decide whether he should be remanded in custody. Krah himself is said to have received money from a pro-Russian network that was uncovered by Czech investigators in March. The AfD politician denies this.

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This is an attack on European democracy from within.

(Bild: APA/Georg Hochmuth)

Sigrid Maurer, Klubobfrau der Grünen

Question on Chinese espionage tabled
"It is disturbing to read how unscrupulously right-wing extremist and right-wing populist politicians are acting. If it is confirmed that the European Parliament has been spying for Chinese intelligence services, then this is an attack from within on European democracy. Anyone who employs such people bears responsibility for this," emphasizes Maurer. Her party has submitted a parliamentary question on possible Chinese espionage activities in Austria.

She emphasizes the close links between the Freedom Party and the AfD. For example, Krah was last in Vienna two months ago, where he took part in a panel discussion with Harald Vilimsky, FPÖ top candidate for the EU elections. Before that, the AfD top candidate was also a guest at an Identitarian event in January.

The revelations in the Ott espionage case and the uncovered machinations of Wirecard manager Jan Marsalek have put the FPÖ under pressure in recent weeks. This is because leading Freedom Party politicians signed a friendship agreement with Putin's United Russia party in Moscow in 2016, at which time Marsalek is also said to have been in the Russian capital. There were also contacts between the group around the alleged double agent Egisto Ott and the FPÖ. It remains to be seen what role party leader Herbert Kickl, one of the interior ministers during Ott's activities, played.

"Is and remains a party that betrays its homeland"
"Comprehensive clarification is not to be expected from the FPÖ and AfD. They will continue to cover things up, as we know from the right-wing extremists. In any case, the population will not be fooled: The FPÖ is and remains a party that betrays its homeland. And its sister party, the AfD, is obviously in no way inferior in this respect," explains Green Party leader Maurer.

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