Music project

Wiener Konzerthaus plays “ZAM” with Ebensee

17.04.2024 15:30

The Wiener Konzerthaus visits Ebensee: Vivi Vassileva, a star percussionist, gives a concert with the fire department band in the town on Lake Traun. Behind this is a democracy project by musician Martin Grubinger and artistic director Matthias Naske.

"How can we grow together better to see differences as an enrichment rather than a threat?" asks Martin Grubinger, multi-percussionist and co-founder of "ZAM", an unusual project: star musicians play "zam" with local bands.

The aim is to promote cohesion, as Matthias Naske, Director of the Wiener Konzerthaus, says: "Democratic coexistence needs community in all the polyphony of our times." Werner Bachstein from the Porticus Foundation in Vienna is also on board.

Music as a common language for professionals and amateurs
The first in a series of "ZAM" concerts throughout Austria will take place in Ebensee. On Thursday, April 25, there will be a round table discussion in the cinema hall with Grubinger and the multi-percussionist Vivi Vassileva, "Great Talent" of the Wiener Konzerthaus.

This is followed by workshops and the big concert (April 27) in the school center, where Vassileva and the fire department music Langwies as well as young singers from the music school and the middle school under the direction of Friedrich Neuböck "ZAMspielen".

Also a matter of the heart
He says: "It is very exciting for us to work with a soloist of this caliber. We rehearsed the works on our own beforehand, and now we're rehearsing them with Vivi." It is also "an affair of the heart" for him, as Vassileva recently moved to Ebensee.

There is also a photo project as part of "ZAM": portraits of people from Ebensee are projected onto the town hall. You can already see and read about who is in the photos on the project homepage - heartwarming life stories from Ebensee.

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