Election campaign storm

“Hate”, “agitation”: Stunned after FPÖ speeches

06.04.2024 16:54

"Torture servants", "red-green nutcases", "black losers", "jokers", "opposing unity party": the FPÖ leadership drew attention to itself at the party conference of the Viennese Freedom Party on Saturday with some hefty speeches. Political rivals and political analysts were stunned and shocked by the choice of words.

Klaus Seltenheim, Federal Managing Director of the SPÖ, said that Kickl was sowing hatred, inciting hatred against minorities and dividing society. "The FPÖ leader's Orbanization fantasies curtail human rights, restrict the freedom of the press and put political opponents on wanted lists."

SPÖ warns of blue-black "coalition of terror"
He also warned urgently against a blue-black "scare coalition", which is becoming increasingly clear "the closer we get to election day". "Blue-Black stands for the dismantling of democracy and the destruction of the welfare state. For attacks on much of what we are rightly proud of in Austria. If there is another terrible coalition under the FPÖ and ÖVP, our constitutional state, healthcare system and pensions will be in acute danger."

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Kickl sows hatred, incites hatred against minorities and divides society.

Klaus Seltenheim (Bild: APA/HELMUT FOHRINGER)

SPÖ-Bundesgeschäftsführer Klaus Seltenheim

The People's Party also sharply criticized Herbert Kickl's statements: ÖVP General Secretary Christian Stocker spoke of "derailments" by the Freedom Party leader and referred to the blue government participation under former Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP): "In his only government function in the Ministry of the Interior, he (Kickl, note) has left behind a disastrous shambles within a very short time, which is unique in the Second Republic."

Pictures from the Vienna FPÖ party conference:

At the Vienna FPÖ party conference, Kickl launched a sweeping attack on the competition as an "opposing unity party" and once again staged himself as the "People's Chancellor".

Kickl: Indirect threat against Edtstadler
He defended his much-criticized expression of a "wanted list of those fleeing responsibility". He said to Constitutional Minister Karoline Edtstadler (ÖVP), who repeatedly spoke out against Kickl by pointing out that she knew him as State Secretary in the Ministry of the Interior: "Perhaps she will get to know me when we deal with the coronavirus mess (...)."

Wolf: "Discourse has always been more civilized"
"ZiB 2" presenter Armin Wolf was also struck by the blue politicians' robust comments. "Political discourse has been more civilized before," he wrote on and added: "I don't want followers who call people that. Salute!"

However, the blue EU lead candidate Harald Vilimsky also took a lot of potshots in his speech. He called for a blue EU Commissioner "for remigration". And went on to rage: imagine a red button to get Austria out of the "EU madness".

Lopatka: "Are you still going, Mr. Vilimsky!"
ÖVP EU top candidate Reinhold Lopatka reacted indignantly: "Are you still going on, Mr. Vilimsky?" he asked. "You are calling for the EU to be switched off at the touch of a button, which you would press immediately without thinking. You have finally shown your true face, namely that of an EU destroyer."

NEOS: "FPÖ wants to destroy the EU"
NEOS top candidate Helmut Brandstätter was also appalled: "The FPÖ obviously wants to fulfill its contract with Putin and destroy the EU", he said. The FPÖ, Vilimsky "and their radical friends" have only one goal on June 9: "the Öxit". "We NEOS will not allow the blue EU destroyers and Putin friends to destroy this Europe for us."

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