After almost eight years!

Jolie and Pitt: finally a breakthrough in the war of the roses?

29.03.2024 07:18

Their bitter divorce battle has been raging for almost eight (!) years. But now there could finally be an agreement between "Brangelina".

According to an insider in the Daily Mail, Brad Pitt is said to have settled the biggest point of contention - by dropping his request for shared custody of their children.

Years of fighting for custody
Following their separation in 2016, Angelina Jolie made it clear from the outset that she would only grant her ex-husband visitation rights at most - and preferably under supervision. Pitt argued against this and was awarded shared custody by an arbitration judge in 2021. Jolie appealed and the ruling was overturned in the next instance. This left the custody issue open again and the case went back to the family court.

The fact that the Oscar winner has now apparently backed down and granted Jolie sole custody is said to be due to the fact that the majority of the children have now reached the age of majority.

Most of the children have reached the age of majority
Of the three biological children, daughter Shiloh will turn 18 in May, which means that only the twins Knox and Vivienne (who will turn 16 this year) are still minors and Brad would have visitation rights to them. The three older (adopted) children Maddox (22), Pax (20) and Zahara (19), who all have a strained relationship with their father, would not be included in a custody decision.

An acquaintance of Pitt's accuses Jolie of having planned from the outset to delay the divorce until all the kids were grown up. He called it a prime example of one parent turning the children against the other and causing alienation.

Winery in France as a point of contention
Without the dispute over custody, "only" one major hurdle remains: the fight over the formerly shared vineyard in France. In October 2021, Jolie sold her share to Russian oligarch Yuri Shefler without Pitt's consent - whereupon the 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood' star sued her in court for breach of contract.

The 48-year-old countered with a 350 million dollar lawsuit in which she accused Brad of squandering their joint assets on "ego projects" during the marriage.

However, after a hearing last month, her lawyer Paul Murphy made a peace offering on behalf of his client. In a statement, he said: "Angelina Jolie has no ill intentions towards Brad Pitt. She hopes he will withdraw his lawsuit and constant attacks and help her whole family heal in private."

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