Shelf life, origin

What you should know about dyed Easter eggs

19.03.2024 15:36

Nutrition expert provides information on labeling and storage and explains why synthetic dyes for dyeing eggs can be harmful.

Easter and dyed eggs go hand in hand. But how long do they last, where do they come from and which colors are best? Nina Eichberger from the Association for Consumer Information (VKI) explains what you need to know.

+ Origin and farming method: Fresh eggs are marked on the shell (0 = organic, 1 = free-range, 2 = barn, 3 = cage). The letters indicate the country of origin (AT = Austria, DE = Germany), the numbers indicate the farm. "All of these labels can be omitted for dyed and boiled eggs," says Eichberger. The reason: it is a processed product. This information only has to be printed on the packaging. Not on eggs sold openly.

+ Shelf life: A constant storage temperature is important, whether in the fridge or at room temperature. Only frequent changes back and forth are bad, because condensation can form on the shell and cause the egg to spoil prematurely.

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You should therefore never constantly switch between storing the egg in and out of the fridge. This causes condensation to form on the eggshell, which can lead to premature spoilage. Damaged eggs should always be stored in the fridge and consumed within a few days if possible.

Ernährungswissenschafterin Nina Eichberger

If the eggs are stored correctly, they will keep for "some time", according to the expert. The best-before date must be indicated on the packaging. "There is no obligation to do this for eggs sold openly", says Eichberger.

+Coloring: The VKI advises using natural dyes such as beetroot juice, beta-carotene or blueberries wherever possible. Because: "Some synthetic colors can be problematic for allergy sufferers, such as tartrazine or quinoline yellow." According to the consumer advocates, so-called azo dyes are particularly criticized. "These can trigger so-called pseudoallergies in people who are predisposed to them. Typical symptoms include skin rashes, asthma and skin oedema. Azo dyes are also suspected of triggering hyperactivity and attention disorders in children," says the scientist.

The following also applies here: the colorants used must be indicated on eggs in packaging (by name or in the form of E-numbers), but not on eggs sold openly.

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