Incidents quintupled

Number of incidents explodes, especially on the internet

18.03.2024 14:11

Fivefold increase in Austria since the Hamas terrorist attack on October 7, 2023: An Israeli-Arab publicist issues an urgent warning about rampant anti-Semitism. Minister Karoline Edtstadler has now presented counter-strategies together with the Jewish Community.

The number of anti-Semitic incidents and attacks is rising dramatically. Since 7 October 2023, when the terrorist organization Hamas carried out a massacre of civilians in Israel and triggered a war.

More than eight cases per day on average
Concern is also growing in Austria. "The number of incidents has increased more than fivefold, a total of more than eight incidents per day," said Oskar Deutsch from the Jewish Community (IKG) and Constitutional Minister Karoline Edstadler (ÖVP) on Monday. They presented an "online anti-Semitism strategy". This is because attacks and assaults are increasing "explosively", especially in the digital space.

Taking online platforms to task
The strategy comprises three levels, 15 specific measures and is primarily aimed at cooperation with online platforms, networking between players and "courage on the part of civil society". Edtstadler refers here to Ahmad Mansour. The Israeli-Arab journalist was a guest in Parliament the previous week on the occasion of the awarding of the Simon Wiesenthal Prize in the fight against anti-Semitism. Among other things, he said that social media alone should not be used as an excuse. It concerns everyone.

"Lost my freedom"
Ahmad Mansour arrives with a police escort. The Israeli-born Palestinian speaks in a small group with journalists and National Council President Wolfgang Sobotka (ÖVP). Also about very personal matters. "I lost my freedom on October 7. Since then, nothing has worked without police protection," he says.

Back in Germany, a permanently charged emotional level. Irreconcilable, blatant words. And the huge rise in anti-Semitism. This is also coming from the left, the right and increasingly from Muslims. The so-called imported hatred of Jews. "In Germany, there are attacks against Jews even at universities. Lecture halls are being occupied, professors are being disinvited."

"Sleeping through developments"
Mansour thinks little of the current Israeli government, but has harshly criticized Muslims for many years. He receives death threats from many sides. The 47-year-old psychologist and author has been a German citizen since 2017 and lives in Berlin. He feels the hatred everywhere. Even in his home country of Israel, from which he recently returned and found a highly traumatized society. "I saw this movie about the attack. The unspeakable images. I know you have to be careful with comparisons like that - but it reminded me of the images at the Holocaust memorial in Yad Vashem."

One central narrative earns him a lot of dislike from the Muslim side. "Islam has never integrated into another culture. Nor will it do so in Europe." There is a lack of a reform movement, "mainstream Islam" is far removed from opening up and change. A gloomy assessment. Nevertheless, countermeasures are needed. Come together, talk, educate. Education. Also the only way for Sobotka. Mansour differentiates between Muslims, who think and act in a variety of ways and are also liberal - and Islam. Secular states have the task of integrating Muslims, not religion.

Have Germany and Austria missed out on developments due to immigration? Answer: "Yes". For far too long, there has been a misunderstanding of tolerance. Dangers have been suppressed.

"Accompanying and reaching people"
Nevertheless, Ahmad Mansour is convinced: "As a former anti-Semite who grew up in such a climate, I am certain that we can reach such people." But this also includes duties. Anyone who wants to be naturalized must first visit memorials and meet people of other faiths. He knows that all of this takes time. But: "If you accompany people, you can reach them. Not always, but often."

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