Violations uncovered

Environmental awareness in Tyrol on the rise: Flood of complaints

04.03.2024 07:00

The Tyrolean Environmental Ombudsman's Office has recorded a sharp rise in the number of complaints. There are several reasons for this.

Complaint management has become an integral and increasingly important part of the work of the Environmental Ombudsman's Office. Since its introduction in 2013, the number of submissions and complaints has almost doubled, reaching a new high of 270 in the previous year. Statistically speaking, a complaint is received every working day of the week. "The special thing is that everyone who approaches us with a concern receives a response as quickly as possible. If necessary, external expert knowledge is also obtained," says Provincial Environmental Ombudsman Walter Tschon, explaining the working method.

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A prompt, detailed and helpful response is a top priority for the Environmental Ombudsman's Office. The aim is to be able to react quickly to environmental damage!

Walter Tschon, Vize-Landesumweltanwalt Tirol

More and more reports of damage caused by beavers
It is not only the improved, low-threshold access that has led to a continuous increase in reports of environmental offenses of all kinds: "The figures are also an indication that the population is concerned with nature and environmental issues in Tyrol and subsequently gets involved, but also expects event-related consequences from the authorities."

The Provincial Environmental Ombudsman's Office is also grateful for the many watchful eyes and ears, as this also gives it an unbiased view of what is going on in the province.

Deputy Provincial Environmental Ombudsman Walter Tschon (Bild: Birbaumer Christof)
Deputy Provincial Environmental Ombudsman Walter Tschon

The most common reasons for complaints
In 2023, citizens were particularly concerned about inadequate waste and garbage disposal, followed by illegal measures such as clearing and felling, adverse effects on air quality, noise and traffic disturbance in connection with various landfills (excavated soil) and agricultural cultivation. There have also been an increasing number of complaints regarding the densification of building land in municipalities, particularly in Innsbruck, "at the expense of valuable inner courtyard areas and valuable tree populations", explains Deputy Environmental Ombudsman Tschon.

The emergence of a strictly protected fellow inhabitant, particularly in the vicinity of settlements, has led to reports from many concerned citizens: the beaver is spreading more and more along bodies of water.

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