“There is enormous potential for the A team”

27.05.2024 13:51

Austria has reached the quarter-finals of the U17 European Championships for the first time in eight years. Not only that - team boss Martin Scherb's squad has impressed with its technical soccer and enormous commitment. Read here what ÖFB President Klaus Mitterdorfer finds particularly impressive about the team's performance at the finals in Cyprus:

Austria is back at the U17 European Championships for the first time since 2019 and has reached the quarter-finals for the first time since 2016...
Klaus Mitterdorfer: It's a pleasure to watch this team. I was there live in the stadium for the 4:0 against Denmark. You could tell from the first minute that this was a team with heart on the pitch. A team that not only has footballing quality, but where everyone fights for each other. Sports fans in Austria can be proud of that.

ÖFB President Klaus Mitterdorfer (right) with General Secretary Thomas Hollerer (left), Iris Stöckelmayr (Media & Communications) and Roland Trappmaier ("Zum Friedensrichter"), the U17 team chef. (Bild: ÖFB/Tugrul Karacam)
ÖFB President Klaus Mitterdorfer (right) with General Secretary Thomas Hollerer (left), Iris Stöckelmayr (Media & Communications) and Roland Trappmaier ("Zum Friedensrichter"), the U17 team chef.

What impressed them most?
How far the boys have already come. They are not only very good in terms of forward play, but also compact defensively. It's no coincidence that they didn't concede a goal in the three group games against Croatia, Wales and Denmark.

Liefering striker Oghenetejiri Adejenughure is one of the key players in attack. (Bild: ÖFB/Tugrul Karacam)
Liefering striker Oghenetejiri Adejenughure is one of the key players in attack.

So good prospects for the future.
Absolutely. The lads all want to take the next step. That's valuable for us as an association. Because you can see that there is a lot of potential for the senior national team in the next few years.

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You can tell that there is a team with heart on the pitch. A team that not only has footballing quality, but where everyone fights for each other. The fans can be proud of that.

ÖFB-Präsident Klaus Mitterdorfer

You get the feeling that the coach and his team have succeeded in forming a close-knit squad.
You can feel the family structure, the cohesion. Not only within the team, but also in the relationship with the supporters in the stands. In my opinion, this team spirit is an essential piece of the puzzle for success.

Austria's U17s can hardly stop celebrating at the European Championships in Cyprus. (Bild: ÖFB/Tugrul Karacam)
Austria's U17s can hardly stop celebrating at the European Championships in Cyprus.

The final spurt to the EURO in Germany, the U17 European Championship, the women's European Championship qualifiers, the U21 test against Scotland - it's been a very intense few weeks for the ÖFB.
The euphoria that currently prevails in domestic soccer makes it much easier to get things done. We have a good team at the ÖFB, which is trying to provide the right conditions for the junior national teams, the women's team and, of course, the senior national team. But it is a challenge.

Mitterdorfer greeted the players' parents in the stands - here the father of defender Oliver Sorg. (Bild: ÖFB/Tugrul Karacam)
Mitterdorfer greeted the players' parents in the stands - here the father of defender Oliver Sorg.

Serbia now awaits in the quarter-finals on Wednesday. What do you think the team can do?
A lot. Team boss Martin Scherb already told me before the tournament that they want to be successful at the European Championships. The team has a plan for every game that the coaching team gives them - regardless of the opponent. That's how they've approached this tournament right from the start and that's how they'll continue to play.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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