540 cases in the previous year

Farmers receive € 180,000 for torn grazing animals

27.05.2024 12:30

The struggle for the survival of traditional alpine pasture farming enters the next round. 540 grazing animals fell victim to large predators in Tyrol in 2023. The state paid out around 180,000 euros in compensation: This can minimize economic damage, but not animal suffering.

Tyrol's alpine pastures are an important recreational area for the population and guests alike. Around 200,000 cattle, sheep, goats and horses graze here. They ensure a lively alpine pasture economy and a species-rich habitat.

Last year, not only sheep and goats, but also 15 cattle and one horse were torn or killed by wolves. Overall, there were fewer livestock kills in 2023 despite the increased presence of large carnivores. The losses are 43 percent lower than in 2022. "One reason for the significant decline could be the increased hunting pressure," says Josef Geisler (ÖVP), Deputy Provincial Governor.

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The aim is the regular hunting of wolves and the reduction of their protected status. We see every day that the wolf is not threatened with extinction.

(Bild: Birbaumer Christof)

LHStv. Josef Geisler, ÖVP

333 euros compensation per grazing animal
The province of Tyrol has issued 19 shooting regulations against harmful and high-risk wolves, four of which have been fulfilled by hunters. The 540 kills in 2023 were compensated by the state with 180,000 euros.

"Every kill by a large carnivore is an exceptional situation. With the compensation from the state, we can minimize the economic damage, but not the animal suffering and the psychological stress for the animal owners and those responsible for the alpine pastures," Geisler is aware and is therefore once again calling for the regular hunting of wolves and the reduction of the EU protection status.

26 sheep already killed this year
This year, there have been 15 wolf detections - mainly in the districts of Kitzbühel and East Tyrol, as well as bear detections in two municipal areas in the Außerfern. 26 dead sheep have already been recorded in connection with wolf kills, and a further seven cases are still being investigated.

Two shooting regulations are currently in force in East Tyrol. After a wolf entered a stable-like shelter in Außervillgraten at the beginning of May, a wolf was shot immediately after the shooting permit was issued.

Manuel Fürhapter is an affected farmer from East Tyrol who lost an entire breeding line at the beginning of May because of a wolf. (Bild: Save the Alps)
Manuel Fürhapter is an affected farmer from East Tyrol who lost an entire breeding line at the beginning of May because of a wolf.

Entire breeding line wiped out
This case caused horror: The wolf wiped out an entire breeding line of spectacled sheep. 15 animals are dead, seven others seriously injured. "The shelter is four meters from the house. It is a partially covered night pen with an electric fence and lots of electricity, as required. The wolf is clever and probably jumped over it," said keeper Manuel Fürhapter.

Eternal topic of herd protection
The three pilot pastures in the Landeck district, where controlled grazing with permanent herding and wolf-repellent fenced overnight areas are being tested with great commitment from all those involved, will continue this year. "There were initial difficulties in the first year of the project, but it works. However, the personnel and financial outlay is extremely high. What is being done here is remarkable, but by no means transferable to all mountain pastures throughout the country," says Josef Geisler, Deputy Provincial Governor, paying tribute to the mountain pasture managers and shepherds.

There were no cracks or direct encounters with large carnivores on any of the three project alpine pastures in the alpine summer of 2023. The province of Tyrol is supporting the controlled pasture management with permanent herding and fenced overnight accommodation on the three herd protection pilot alps with 440,000 euros.

Large-scale herd protection not possible
"The costs as well as the limited availability of qualified shepherds and the necessary requirements in terms of the size and nature of an alpine pasture show that this form of herd protection is only an option for a very limited number of the 400 or so Tyrolean alpine pastures with sheep grazing. Herd protection on a large scale is not possible in Tyrol," summarizes LHStv.

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