Company of the month

Sallegger: Styrian experts in plant engineering

26.05.2024 19:00

Sallegger Technologies was named Company of the Month by SFG. Why? Because they are focusing on an up-and-coming sector of the economy with their hobbyhorse of automation.

They are the brains behind the machines on which our everyday products are manufactured. "We are a service provider in special mechanical engineering design - we plan and design systems up to 40 meters in size," explains Günter Schnepf from Sallegger Technologies in more detail. And with success: based in Fürstenfeld, the company supplies both national and international customers.

Sallegger Technologies is based in Fürstenfeld. (Bild: Sallegger Technologies)
Sallegger Technologies is based in Fürstenfeld.

These customers include car manufacturers as well as producers of consumer goods and cosmetic products. Plant manufacturers in the food, agricultural technology and paper industries also rely on the engineering expertise of Sallegger Technologies. "Many industries have automated more and more processes, which has given us an increasingly firm foothold," says Schnepf. As a sales engineer, he knows: "Companies have recognized the added value, our quality and our speed." For Sallegger, in turn, the wide-ranging customer base means security and stability.

The Styrian company was founded in 1994 by Hubert Sallegger as a one-man operation. Gradually, it grew to a total of 38 employees and is now one of Austria's largest companies in this field. The business areas were also expanded to include 3D printing, 3D measurement technology and product development. Schnepf himself has been an employee for 17 years and appreciates the "humanity and appreciation that you experience here". And he also sees his job as secure in the future: "Automation will definitely become increasingly important," says the Styrian.

Every month, SFG puts forward three candidates for Company of the Month. They introduce themselves in a video. Everyone can then vote on

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