Alps-Adriatic taste

New gastronomy at Taggenbrunn Castle

26.05.2024 11:33

One of Slovenia's best-known caterers has taken over the restaurant and hotel at Taggenbrunn Castle, bringing hope for a new generation of guests!

Ten years after the revival and official opening of Taggenbrunn Castle, the Riedl family has set another milestone - but this time in a culinary way. The restaurant and hotel operations have been completely restructured and taken over by Slovenian catering professional Martin Jezeršek, who, together with his brothers, is the second generation to run one of the most renowned catering companies in Slovenia.

"We also run four restaurants - including the castle restaurants in Bled and Ljubljana. Now running a restaurant within historic walls in Austria is a huge opportunity," says Jezeršek, who focuses on Alps-Adriatic delicacies with his team.

Taggenbrunn Castle: Carinthia was ruled from here in the 14th century. The Riedl family has been renovating and operating the castle since 2011. (Bild: ©FRANZGERDL 2020, all Rights reserved)
Taggenbrunn Castle: Carinthia was ruled from here in the 14th century. The Riedl family has been renovating and operating the castle since 2011.

Nothing will change for the employees who work at Taggenbrunn: "We are taking over the staff, but we are also bringing in management staff from Slovenia, all of whom have already worked in Austria."

"The special thing about the new restaurant is that the restaurant will be run directly in the castle from now on, the wine tavern is closed but is still available as an event location," says junior boss Andreas and father Alfred Riedl. "The aim is to position the castle as a year-round destination. "Z

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