"Anti-social behavior"

Sylt bar takes action against racist slogans

25.05.2024 10:53

On Thursday, a video went viral in which party guests on the German North Sea island of Sylt shout racist slogans (see video above). The people have since been identified and reported, the operators of the Pony pub announced. "We do not tolerate this deeply antisocial behavior."

"We never have and we never will. That's why we're now taking all possible action against it," the team wrote on Instagram. They were shocked and dismayed. "Racism and fascism have no place in our society." The staff had not noticed the guests' behavior, otherwise they would have reacted immediately, informed the police and pressed charges.

Police investigating incitement to hatred
The video, which went viral on Thursday, only lasts a few seconds and is said to have been made at Pentecost. You can see and hear young people in the posh holiday resort of Kampen shouting racist slogans to the tune of Gigi D'Agostino's party hit "L'amour Toujours". They chant "Germany to the Germans - foreigners out!". One man's gesture is reminiscent of the Hitler salute. The surrounding guests do not react.

The bar on Sylt (Bild: glomex)
The bar on Sylt

State security is now investigating incitement to hatred and the use of unconstitutional symbols. Germany's Chancellor Olaf Scholz described the statements on Friday as "disgusting" and "unacceptable". "Anyone who shouts Nazi slogans like 'Germany to the Germans - foreigners out' is a disgrace to Germany," said Interior Minister Nancy Faeser.

Similar case in Lower Saxony
On Friday, it became known that a similar case had occurred in Lower Saxony. Racist slogans were also shouted to "L'amour Toujours" at the shooting festival in Löningen. State security is investigating.

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read the original article here.

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