VW Junior Masters

Young players push into the limelight

24.05.2024 10:17

Before the EURO comes the VW Juniors Masters: the final of Austria's biggest youth tournament will take place in Grödig on Saturday, May 25. With former national team players Julian Baumgartlinger and Viktoria Schnaderbeck, two of the biggest names in Austrian football will be keeping a close eye on the promising talents.

The Volkswagen Junior Masters is being held for the twelfth time this year. Two regional tournaments were held last fall, and Grödig will now host the final tournament.

63 teams from all over Austria took part in the qualifiers in Bad Vöslau and Seekirchen, with the best 16 teams still in the competition. The winners can look forward to a five-day training camp in Deutschlandsberg, where they will teach and learn based on the philosophy and guidelines of "La Cantera", Real Madrid's youth academy.

Viktoria Schnaderbeck and Julian Baumgartlinger, two long-standing top performers in the men's and women's national teams respectively, are also taking part. They will not only be on hand to offer advice and support to the talented players, but will also be available to sign autographs and compete against each other at the goal wall.

The tournament kicks off at 10.30 a.m. The teams will first play in groups of four to advance to the round of 16, after which the knockout rounds will continue until the winner is determined in the final.

Viktoria Schnaderbeck:

"The idea behind this event is great, I'm glad that the Volkswagen Junior Masters has picked up speed again after the Corona-related interruption last year. It's a fantastic opportunity for young local footballers to showcase and compare themselves, and I'm particularly pleased that so many girls are also taking part in their teams."

Julian Baumgartlinger:

"The spirit and atmosphere were already unique at the regional tournaments, there was a lot of passion, fun and also a healthy dose of ambition involved, so the anticipation for the grand final in Grödig is all the greater. It will be a soccer festival for the whole family, I am convinced of an attractive and exciting tournament and hope for numerous fans and a vociferous crowd!"

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read the original article here.

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