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Thief in bathrobe stole luxury watch

23.05.2024 17:03

Bath slippers, bathrobe and a towel tucked under his arm - this is how a spa guest allegedly became a thief. He is said to have taken a luxury watch from a locker. Presumably according to the motto: opportunity makes thieves.

The Rolex was in a locker that was open and the temptation was obviously too great. The thief looks Asian in the pictures, but according to the cashier, who remembers the guest well, he speaks typical Austrian dialect. "They are probably not tourists from outside Austria," speculates the police, who are now hoping to use the pictures to catch the suspect.

The suspected thief at the cash desk of the Bad Ischl thermal spa (Bild: Polizei OÖ)
The suspected thief at the cash desk of the Bad Ischl thermal spa

Pictures released
He allowed himself to be filmed as he reached into the locker in the changing area of the Bad Ischl thermal baths and pocketed the watch worth 7800 euros. The police are now asking for information about the suspected thief in bathing shoes. Investigators can be contacted at the Bad Ischl police station (telephone 059 1334 103100).

The pictures of the suspected thief have been released for publication by the public prosecutor's office - if the bathing guest photographed recognizes himself on them and can prove that he did not steal anything, he should also come forward.

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read the original article here.

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