14 contracts expire

Wattens’ plans for the new Bundesliga season

24.05.2024 06:00

The summer break is finally over at WSG Tirol! After all, the professional footballers' training sessions came to an end on Thursday - while the planning of the squad for the upcoming Bundesliga season has now really taken off. And there will be some changes to the squad from Wattens.

A relaxed game on Thursday morning, then a snack together - and a vacation. With the very last training session under Thomas Silberberger, the great, great era of the 50-year-old Wörgler in Wattens finally came to an end.

Applause, applause, vacation greetings, farewells and wishes for a reunion. The latter, however, will not be the case for all 14 WSG players with expiring contracts. Aleks Buksa, for example, had already left before the last training session to return to his owner FC Genoa.

Valentino Müller is to extend his contract. (Bild: Birbaumer Christof/Christof Birbaumer)
Valentino Müller is to extend his contract.

Rapid wants Nik P.
Nik Prelec is also still under contract with Serie A club Cagliari. But there is (buying) interest from the Austrian league. Austria Vienna and Rapid are said to have made enquiries.

Felix Bacher is moving to the second German league, and Kofi Schulz is also turning his back on Watten after two and a half years. Goalkeeper Benjamin Ozegovic after four years.

New coach Philipp Semlic has held talks with a number of players in the first few days in Wattens about an extension. Valentino Müller was among them, as was Johannes Naschberger.

Is Simon coming back?
Sporting director Stefan Köck will soon present a new second goalkeeper and sees an urgent need for action in three positions: (two) new strikers, a replacement for Bacher in the center of defense and a new left defender. Simon Pirkl would be an ideal replacement, but he is also said to be flirting with the second German league.

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