Gives exit clause

Bayern have a good chance with VFB high-flyer

22.05.2024 22:07

FC Bayern Munich seem to have one of the high-flyers of the recently concluded Bundesliga season on the hook. According to reports, the record champions believe they have a good chance of signing Stuttgart winger Chris Führich. The international is said to have an exit clause.

Führich is said to be available for a sum of around 25 to 30 million euros, as reported by "Kicker". A price that Munich would probably be prepared to pay if the Stuttgart high-flyer decided to move to the Isar.

Chris Führich (Bild: AFP)
Chris Führich

And that could indeed be the case. The 26-year-old is currently said to be leaning towards finding his fortune with the record champions. This is despite the fact that he recently extended his contract in Stuttgart until 2028 and could also play in the Champions League there next year.

Dortmund also interested?
Nevertheless, he probably wants to seize the opportunity and benefit from the squad upheaval in Munich. That is why he is also said to be turning down alternative offers, for example from Dortmund or other European clubs.

At Bayern, Führich could become part of a new axis and provide fresh impetus on the left flank. For now, however, the 26-year-old has the home European Championships on his agenda. He is also likely to wait and see who the new Bayern coach will be. At the moment, it seems to be Vincent Kompany.

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