Cry for help from readers

Older people as the “last straw” in the online state?

23.05.2024 09:00

Older people in particular despair at a state that is almost only accessible online. A "Krone" reader demands that politicians take a stand. We asked for him. But senior citizens themselves are also mobilizing and making demands of the next government.

Mr. G. feels like the "last piece of dirt". He complained about this in a cry for help to the "Krone" newspaper (see facsimile below). The reason? He has neither a computer nor a printer and, being physically limited and 85 years old, no longer has the confidence to use them. As a result, he sees himself as a sidelined citizen in the increasingly digitalized state, just like more and more others.

More and more applications only possible online
Mr. G. is concerned with the exemption from the ORF fee, but there are already enough other examples where the state is only accessible online: repair bonuses, subsidies for replacing heating systems, most recently the tradesman bonus. The list is getting longer and longer. Mr. G. is surprised that this is hardly an issue for politicians and asks himself: "Which party is really committed to people's problems?" We have demanded answers from the parliamentary parties for him and everyone else affected.

Mr. G. sees the fact that the state is only accessible to him online as "constant discrimination that is taken for granted". He also knows: "I'm not the only one!" (Bild: Krone KREATIV/zVg)
Mr. G. sees the fact that the state is only accessible to him online as "constant discrimination that is taken for granted". He also knows: "I'm not the only one!"

The ÖVP and the Greens naturally defend the move towards a digital state. They point to their duty to keep administrative costs low: Smaller subsidies for citizens in particular would not be possible otherwise, because otherwise the expense would not justify the sums paid out, they argue. Both parties emphasize that municipalities offer support with online applications.


Digital access should not be a hurdle, but an opportunity. Citizens can be spared the tedious journey to the office, which saves time and protects the environment. At the same time, additional services are important to us in order to reach those without the necessary digital options. It is therefore very welcome that municipalities are providing assistance in order to provide the best possible support for older generations in particular.


The state is committed to the most efficient administration possible and to economy. It is often also a question of what is manageable for the administration. With a high number of applications with comparatively low funding amounts, it is not in the interests of efficiency and economy if applications are submitted by post. There is extensive support for people who have difficulties with online processing.

ÖVP party leader August Wöginger and Green party leader Sigi Maurer recently defended the purely digital access to the craftsmen's bonus against criticism. (Bild: APA/ROLAND SCHLAGER)
ÖVP party leader August Wöginger and Green party leader Sigi Maurer recently defended the purely digital access to the craftsmen's bonus against criticism.

The current opposition parties do not have to worry about a lean budget: they unanimously demand a right to offline official channels. The SPÖ and Neos also see the municipalities as the best contact points for this, while the FPÖ sees direct contacts in public offices.


Access to state services must be open to all citizens equally and without disadvantages. There must be a right to offline official channels. The SPÖ is clearly in favor of "both-and" instead of "either-or". One possibility would be to support municipalities in creating an appropriate offer. Equality of access is always important here, i.e. no additional costs.


The citizens, who finance the administration, have a right to have analog access. They also have a right to be supported personally in the offices. In our view, any "exclusion procedure" constitutes discrimination and must therefore be strictly rejected. The participation of all population groups in the interests of the public sector must be guaranteed.

The state itself is not digitally savvy everywhere
For the Neos, however, the state itself is a digital laggard: from the linking of data from different authorities to simpler processes from passports to the registry office, the state is lagging behind and could save huge sums of money. Sums that could also finance analog official channels.


The state is a service provider for its citizens, who pay for it with their tax money. In terms of economy, digital services therefore make sense - provided that people also receive analog support at local level. We see the municipalities as having a duty here. However, the government itself is lagging miles behind when it comes to digitalization. As a result, we are paying a lot of money for poor services - both digital and analog.

Seniors' Council wants the parties to be clear before the election
The senior citizens' representatives are now increasing the pressure: the Seniors' Council has set up a 27-member round table, which includes representatives from business and science as well as interest groups and associations. The first meeting took place on Tuesday - we reported.

Peter Kostelka, President of the Austrian Pensioners' Association, and Ingrid Korosec, Head of the Austrian Seniors' Association - together at the head of the Seniors' Council (Bild: Martin Juen/SEPA.Media/
Peter Kostelka, President of the Austrian Pensioners' Association, and Ingrid Korosec, Head of the Austrian Seniors' Association - together at the head of the Seniors' Council

Further talks at the round table should result in a fixed list of demands by the end of the summer, which the parties can then agree to - or not - during the ongoing National Council election campaign. They should not forget: Around a fifth of eligible voters in Austria are over 65 years old.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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