Lived in a small town

Suspected murderers were “calm and friendly”

23.05.2024 06:00

This act was shocking: In August of last year, a parcel carrier in England was literally massacred by nine Indian nationals with axes and golf clubs. While five murder suspects have already been convicted, two are said to have gone into hiding in the Innviertel region. After their arrest, "a queasy feeling remains."

The village of Hohenzell, with a population of 2,300, is idyllic and quiet during the "Krone" local inspection, two days after two suspected murderers were arrested there.

Brutal murder
The suspects are also described as "quiet and friendly", but the crime they are accused of speaks a different language: in August last year, they and seven other Indian nationals are said to have brutally executed a parcel carrier in England with axes, golf clubs and knives in the street.

In hiding in Hohenzell
While five suspects have already been convicted in Great Britain, the two suspects are said to have gone into hiding in the Innviertel region. They are said to have lived in an apartment on the second floor of a detached house opposite the church with several of their compatriots - nobody knows the exact number here.

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On Friday, officers from the State Office of Criminal Investigation came to the municipal office. They wanted to deposit surveillance material in the multi-purpose hall. We didn't know what it was all about until they arrived.

Thomas Priewasser, Bürgermeister Hohenzell

"They had been in Hohenzell for a good nine months, apparently working as parcel carriers," says Mayor Thomas Priewasser (ÖVP). "There were always complaints because the parcel vans parked up the entire Friedhofstraße, otherwise the people were inconspicuous."

The Indians lived on the second floor of this house and up to ten parcel vans are said to have parked in front of it at times (Bild: Scharinger Daniel)
The Indians lived on the second floor of this house and up to ten parcel vans are said to have parked in front of it at times

This is also confirmed by Daciana C., who lived next door to the suspects. The remaining Indians are currently supposed to be clearing out the apartment above hers: "They are removing furniture and clothes," says C. Her neighbors had never been aggressive and had always greeted her in a friendly manner - nevertheless: "Now I have a queasy feeling, I always lock my door," says the mother of two.

"Residents were constantly changing"
Building yard employee Fabian F. (30) knew at least some of the Indians by sight, "because the residents of the apartment kept changing". He also describes the parking situation as problematic: "At peak times, ten parcel buses were parked in the street," says the Hohenzell resident.

Building yard employee Fabian F. in conversation with editor Andrea Kloimstein (Bild: Scharinger Daniel)
Building yard employee Fabian F. in conversation with editor Andrea Kloimstein

Just one day before the arrest, two Indians are said to have stopped off at the local church inn. "They came late in the evening as usual, around 9 p.m., ordered two Margherita pizzas and two Cokes," says landlady Besa (32). They didn't leave a tip, but always paid without hesitation. Looking back, she says that "it's a good thing we didn't suspect anything."

Not confessing
On Wednesday, the regional court in Ried ordered the two murder suspects to be remanded in custody; they have not confessed.

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read the original article here.

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