Coming for PET and aluminum

Three quarters are in favor of a one-way deposit in retail

22.05.2024 16:04

Three quarters of respondents welcome the single-use deposit in retail, which will come into force for PET and aluminum beverage containers in 2025. This was revealed by a survey conducted by the market Institute on behalf of TOMRA Collection - a company active in the circular economy.

The older generation in particular attaches great importance to the sustainability of materials. 88 percent of over 70-year-olds consider this to be important, compared to 67 percent of respondents aged between 16 and 39. In line with this, nine out of ten respondents are also in favor of reducing packaging materials. Just as many expect retailers to launch initiatives to save food, for example by focusing on regional products. In addition, respondents tend to believe that only recyclable materials should be used for packaging.

Plastic bottles (Bild: abimagestudio -
Plastic bottles

25 cents fee per packaging
From the start of 2025, beverages in plastic bottles and metal cans with a packaging volume of 0.1 to three liters will be subject to a 25-cent deposit fee. Returners such as supermarkets and small sales outlets will have to register from July. However, there are many special regulations, such as for traditional gastronomy, vending machines, online retail and food deliveries.

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We recommend that all take-back customers find out now whether any special or exceptional regulations apply to their respective sales outlets.

Monika Fiala, Co-Geschäftsführerin von Recycling Pfand Österreich 

"We recommend that all take-back customers find out now whether a special or exceptional regulation applies to the respective point of sale," said Monika Fiala, Co-Managing Director of Recycling Pfand Österreich. Catering establishments where products are only consumed on the spot, for example, do not have to pass on the deposit amount. Operators of drinks vending machines do not have to take back the cans and bottles, but pay a compensation fee per product.

Deposit logo coming
"In just under seven months, the first plastic bottles and beverage cans with the Austrian deposit logo will be available on supermarket shelves and other points of sale such as vending machines, restaurants and bakeries. This also marks the start of the take-back obligation," says a press release from Recycling Pfand Österreich.

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