Long night of the stages

A hot stage for theater fans and night owls

22.05.2024 15:30

When else do you have the opportunity to experience expressive dance, dialect poetry, a tango crash course or a swinging brass concert in just a few hours? Only at the "Long Night of the Stages", which will transform Linz into a colorful theater city on Saturday, June 22.

With 340 participating artists from Upper Austria, 82 events will be staged at 22 venues. In addition to the established stages such as the Kammerspiele, Musiktheater, Theater Phönix, Tribüne and Theater des Kindes, the Lentos Art Museum and the Mariendom and Old Cathedral will also become venues.

Among the many highlights are the fictional Bruckner opera "The Knight's Dream" with singers from the Opera Studio (Schauspielhaus, 8 pm), Maxi Blaha's solo "Alma who?", a tribute to Alma Mahler-Werfel (Lentos, 9 pm) or the musical cabaret "Weil ich unmusikalisch bin" with Patrick Hahn (7.30 pm, Brucknerhaus).

Lots to join in and for families
There are several dance workshops to take part in, but you can also sing along with the Hard Choir, try your first tango steps or try out the basics of freestyle dancing at waaking workshops.

Vanholzers are an award-winning dance company, they present themselves in the Sonnenstein Loft (Bild: Barbara Mair/vanholzers)
Vanholzers are an award-winning dance company, they present themselves in the Sonnenstein Loft

The children's program starts at 3.30 pm, from 5 pm there are productions for young people and adults, the night ends with an after-show party in the AEC.

Lorena Emmi-Mayer in "Prima Facie": she gives samples from her play at the Schauspielhaus (Bild: PETRA MOSER)
Lorena Emmi-Mayer in "Prima Facie": she gives samples from her play at the Schauspielhaus

The next "Long Night" not until 2026
Incidentally, the "Long Night of the Stages" will only be held biennially in future; the next one will take place in 2026. So head out and soak up the culture!

Tickets are particularly affordable
Tickets cost a standard 12 euros, children and young people up to the age of 16 are admitted free of charge. From Thursday, May 23, admission wristbands can be purchased at the box offices of the participating stages; last-minute visitors can also buy tickets at the information stand at the Taubenmarkt on June 22. Please note: Counting tickets will be issued for some events.

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