Marriage with obstacles

King Felipe & Letizia celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary

22.05.2024 12:29

She was a successful TV journalist, he was the Spanish crown prince: Felipe and Letizia of Spain tied the knot exactly 20 years ago. However, the couple have not always had it easy and have had to overcome many challenges together.

Many had their doubts about the marriage of King Felipe and Queen Letizia. However, despite all the critics, the royal couple's marriage lasted and King Felipe VI and his wife Queen Letizia are celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary.

They kept their love a secret for a year
Their love story officially began on November 6, 2003, when the then crown prince asked the famous TV journalist Letizia Ortiz to marry him at the palace.

Letizia came to the engagement photo in 2004 wearing a white trouser suit by Armani. (Bild: AFP/APA/JOSE CARO)
Letizia came to the engagement photo in 2004 wearing a white trouser suit by Armani.

This was a complete surprise, as the couple had previously kept their love a secret for around a year. The two are said to have met over dinner with a mutual friend, and the then crown prince is said to have been immediately smitten with the pretty presenter.

King Felipe and Queen Letizia were beaming on their wedding day exactly 20 years ago. (Bild: Martin / EPA /
King Felipe and Queen Letizia were beaming on their wedding day exactly 20 years ago.

Royal couple defied critics and wild rumors
Letizia immediately hit the headlines and caused plenty of concern among both the royal family and the Spanish population. But the couple defied all critics. The two survived nasty rumors that Letizia was not at all comfortable in her new role or was even having an affair. She was accused of having cosmetic surgery, anorexia and depression. Wild rumors about the royal couple's marriage are still circulating today.

King Felipe and Queen Letizia of Spain (Bild: Jonas Ekstromer / TT News Agency /
King Felipe and Queen Letizia of Spain

However, King Felipe and Queen Letizia have shown that together they make a good team for the crown. The Queen has earned recognition from many people for her commitment to equal rights and children, as well as against hunger and poverty.

Princess Leonor follows in her parents' footsteps
With Crown Princess Leonor (18) and Princess Sofia (17), the royal couple have two beautiful daughters who will one day follow in their footsteps and work in the service of the Spanish crown.

Felipe and Letizia were visibly proud of their eldest daughter Princess Leonor. (Bild: APA/AFP/POOL/Andres BALLESTEROS)
Felipe and Letizia were visibly proud of their eldest daughter Princess Leonor.
On her 18th birthday, the Spanish princess took her oath to the constitution. (Bild: APA/AFP/Pierre-Philippe MARCOU)
On her 18th birthday, the Spanish princess took her oath to the constitution.

On her 18th birthday in October, Leonor took her oath to the constitution in front of the parliament in Madrid, officially becoming her father's heir to the throne.

Queen, Letizia King Felipe, Princess Leonor and Princess Sofia (Bild: Boti / Action Press /
Queen, Letizia King Felipe, Princess Leonor and Princess Sofia
Overjoyed, the Queen embraced her two daughters. (Bild: Boti / Action Press /
Overjoyed, the Queen embraced her two daughters.

In honor of their 20th wedding anniversary, the Spanish royal couple posed together with their two daughters in the gardens of the palace. The family laughed happily for the camera.

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