Gates doesn't want it

First hydrogen superyacht becomes a shelf warmer

21.05.2024 11:06

Project 821 is the world's first hydrogen fuel cell yacht - but despite its innovative, environmentally friendly propulsion system, the Dutch shipyard Feadship is apparently struggling to find a well-heeled owner. Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates, who is said to have ordered the floating temple of luxury, no longer wants to ...

The Feadship 821 is almost 119 meters long - offering plenty of space for luxury. The superyacht has 14 balconies and seven fold-out platforms where you can dive into the sea. On the owner's deck, there are two bedrooms with two bathrooms, several changing rooms, a gym, a living room and two offices, which are even equipped with fireplaces. A whirlpool also invites you to relax. There is even an elevator in the ship.

Hydrogen is stored in a huge tank at -253 degrees
But the really unique feature of the new yacht is to be found in the engine room. The ship has a 92 cubic meter hydrogen tank in which the gas is stored at -253 degrees Celsius. The tank is up to ten times larger than would be required for the energy equivalent of diesel fuel - because it has to be double-walled for safety reasons.

The fuel can be generated into electricity in 16 fuel cells. According to the manufacturer, the ship should be able to spend a week in port without producing any emissions or be able to travel at a speed of ten knots (around 18.5 km/h) for a much shorter period of time. The hydrogen is therefore intended to supply electricity for consumers such as heating or air conditioning. "Providing this electrical energy via environmentally friendly hydrogen fuel cells has a rapid and significant impact," Feadship is convinced.

(Bild: Feadship)

ABB pod drives for longer trips
For longer trips, there are also 3200 kilowatt ABB pod drives that run on HVO fuel. This synthetic biofuel is said to reduce CO2 emissions by up to 90 percent. HVO is produced from vegetable oil.

Environmentalist Gates is said to fear criticism
Despite these more environmentally friendly properties - in comparison with a conventional superyacht - Microsoft founder Gates apparently no longer wants it, even though he is said to have commissioned it. There is speculation about the reasons for this: The prominent environmental activist may fear coming under criticism, it is thought. After all, despite hydrogen technology, the CO2 footprint of such a huge yacht is enormous, which could damage Gates' image. The Wayfinder yacht, which has already been purchased and was intended as a dinghy for Project 821, is also said to be up for sale.

The price for the floating innovation is quoted in media reports at 600 million US dollars. However, the sale is being handled discreetly - in this price range, only a limited group of wealthy potential buyers are eligible anyway.

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