Tasteless gesture

Ried striker with “Kalashnikov cheer” during 4-0 win

11.05.2024 18:00

Wilfried Eza caused a stir during SV Ried's 4-0 win in St. Pölten on Friday with a "cheering" gesture. The club will speak to the 27-year-old striker from the Ivory Coast about the incident, but definitely rules out a political message.

An incredible fight, a battle, carnage, sniper, sights properly adjusted. Yes, sport also includes extremely martial expressions and exaggeration. However, Wilfried Eza went a little over the top in the 4-0 win for second division side Ried in St. Pölten on Friday.

After his goal to make it 3-0 (17'), the TV pictures briefly caught the 27-year-old striker from the Ivory Coast making movements with his hands as if he were shooting a Kalashnikov. In times characterized by war and terror around the world, such gestures are a real no-go.

"More tact and sensitivity"
"Of course we will talk to him about this, we simply have to show more tact. We should actually act as role models, something like that is always inappropriate," says sports director Wolfgang Fiala, who does not want to overestimate the "Kalashnikov cheer" either.

This cheer was banned by Bayern. (Bild: AP ( via APA) Austria Presse Agentur/AP/Gregorio Borgia)
This cheer was banned by Bayern.

Bayern star also reprimanded
"I don't want to portray him as apolitical, but I don't think he gets much information from the Austrian media about what's happening in the Middle East, for example," says Fiala. Rather, like other footballers, Eza was probably trying to suggest that - and here we are again with the martial expressions - he has finally got his sights right again. Especially as the striker had not scored in the last six games or was injured. In 2015, for example, Bayern Munich banned Moroccan Medhi Benatia from continuing to use this cheer, which he had already done at AS Roma.

With his two goals against St. Pölten, Eza also drew level with Mark Grosse in the internal duel, with both currently on eleven goals. Deni Alar (Leoben) and Dario Tadic (St. Pölten) lead the scoring charts in the 2nd division with 15 goals.

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