Fine of 600 euros

Greta Thunberg sentenced for climate protests

08.05.2024 22:26

Climate activist Greta Thunberg has been sentenced for blockading the Swedish parliament (see video above). She has to pay the equivalent of around 600 euros, part of which is compensation and interest.

The police carried the 21-year-old away on March 12 and 14 after she refused to leave the main entrance to the parliament in Stockholm. She had been protesting with a small group for several days. MPs were still able to enter the building via side entrances, however.

Thunberg denied the accusation of civil disobedience in both cases in court on Wednesday. "Because there was and is a climate emergency," said the Swede, explaining why she did not follow the police's orders. "And in an emergency situation, we all have a duty to act."

A protest against H&M in May (Bild: AFP/APA/Christine Olsson)
A protest against H&M in May
Greta Thunberg in court on Wednesday (Bild: AFP/Frederik Sandberg)
Greta Thunberg in court on Wednesday

"Laws protect the extractive industry"
"The current laws protect the extractive industry instead of protecting people and the planet, which I believe should be the case," the activist continued. Thunberg was previously fined in July and October 2023 for civil disobedience during similar protests.

As a 15-year-old schoolgirl, the young woman began sitting in front of the Swedish parliament in Stockholm on Fridays to demonstrate for more climate protection. Her school strike grew into the global protest movement Fridays For Future. Thunberg ended the strikes after leaving school, but still regularly takes part in climate protests and other demonstrations.
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