Survey in the department store

“Mother’s Day tradition must be preserved”

08.05.2024 19:00

Because many kindergartens no longer celebrate Mother's Day, the question has arisen as to whether this tradition is still in keeping with the times. We wanted to know what the Viennese think about this and asked around in the Auhof Center.

No more Mother's Day in many kindergartens - the way the tradition is handled has caused a lot of discussion in the media and politically. But what do the Viennese think? What significance does this day have for them?

Mother's Day plays an important role in the Klimovic family. (Bild: Zwefo)
Mother's Day plays an important role in the Klimovic family.

The Viennese celebrate Mother's Day and associate it with fond memories
"Not everything new is always good. This debate shows that once again," says Ingrid Küffner, who will be spending Sunday with her daughter. Ulrike Pichler will also be spending the day with her family and attaches less importance to presents.

Monika Chapek, who receives a bouquet of flowers from her son every year, is different. She's not the only one - the flower store in the Auhof Center is also very busy before Mother's Day. For saleswoman Christine Matzinger, this day also has great personal significance. Young mother Julia Klimovic wants to continue the tradition with her daughter.

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Mother's Day is a family day for us. We go hiking. I attach less importance to presents. When I was a child, I used to give my mother flowers and handicrafts.

(Bild: Zwefo Krone KREATIV,)

Ulrike Pichler

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Not everything new is always good. This debate shows that once again. We always celebrated Mother's Day, it was especially nice when my daughter was little.

(Bild: Zwefo Krone KREATIV,)

Ingrid Küffner

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I think the debate is unnecessary. Mother's Day is a beautiful tradition that must be preserved at all costs. I always gave my mother presents, just as my son did for me.

(Bild: Zwefo)

Monika Chapek

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