No fun in front of the camera

Emily Blunt found many a movie kiss disgusting

06.05.2024 17:00

She has already snogged Tom Cruise, Cillian Murphy and Matt Damon. But Emily Blunt found some movie kisses simply disgusting, as she has now revealed.

It's no longer a secret that romantic scenes are anything but pleasant for actors. On the "Howard Stern Show", Emily Blunt has now opened up about this.

"Definitely not fun"
Radio presenter Howard Stern asked the actress whether she had ever wanted to throw up after kissing one of her co-stars. "Absolutely, absolutely ...", she explained. "I wouldn't say it was extreme disgust, but I definitely didn't enjoy some of them."

Emily Blunt chatted about good and bad movie kisses. (Bild: APA/Getty Images via AFP/GETTY IMAGES/Frazer Harrison)
Emily Blunt chatted about good and bad movie kisses.

However, Blunt did not reveal which of her co-stars made her cringe. She only let slip this much: "I had good chemistry with people ... I didn't have a good time working with."

Chemistry has to be right
And went on to explain about the chemistry between two actors: "Sometimes it's a strange thing. Sometimes you can have a rapport that's really effortless, but it doesn't translate to the screen."

Above all, it's "an ethereal thing that you can't bottle or buy or sell", says the 41-year-old. The chemistry is "either there or not". However, it is always easier "if you have a natural relationship with someone".

Get along brilliantly: Emily Blunt and Ryan Gosling (Bild: APA/AFP/VALERIE MACON)
Get along brilliantly: Emily Blunt and Ryan Gosling

She has also adopted a tactic if the spark doesn't ignite in front of the camera, Blunt also revealed. "I try to find something that I like about the person. I have to find something, even if it's just one thing." This could be a "nice laugh" or the way "he talks to other people", the Brit said. "You have to find something you like about the person or movie character and use that."

Ryan Gosling is "a treasure"
Blunt had no problems with her current film partner Ryan Gosling, with whom she can be seen in the action comedy "Fall Guy" - on the contrary. "I love his wife, Eva. I love their kids, and I think I'm very lucky to be friends with a sweetheart like him."

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