At Komma Wörgl

A touch of Hollywood to attack in Tyrol

05.05.2024 20:00

"Tito and Tarantula" heated up the Komma Wörgl on Friday. Tito Larriva and his daughter have been on the road together since 2012 and rocked the Wörgl event temple.

Despite the rather cool outside temperatures last Friday evening, the large hall of the Wörgl event and culture temple "Komma" was swelteringly hot. This was not only due to the numerous rock fans of all ages in attendance, but also to the hard rock band "Midriff", who were actually announced as the support band for the main act "Tito and Tarantula", but whose brilliant performance was a highly acclaimed concert in its own right.

It's a shame that you don't get to see these local heroes around the charismatic "ramp sow" Jeremy "Jele" Lentner (bass, vocals), his brother Joshua (electric guitar) and drummer Paul Enzinger in this great formation more often.

Mexican-Texan family business: Tito Larriva with daughter Lolita (right) and niece & tour manager Olivia. (Bild: Berger Hubert)
Mexican-Texan family business: Tito Larriva with daughter Lolita (right) and niece & tour manager Olivia.

Then a tense wait in the auditorium. Ten minutes late, at 9.30 pm, a touch of Hollywood entered, or rather "conquered" the stage with Tito Larriva to present his new album "Brincamos - Wir spielen".

And "Tito and Tarantula" played two hours of shimmering, dust-dry desert rock to match the heat in the hall, with which singer and guitarist Tito Larriva became world-famous in Roberto Rodriguez's classic film "From Dusk Till Dawn". Then there were the psychedelic soundscapes that Tito presented to the enthusiastic audience together with guitarist Marcus Praed and his daughter, bassist Lolita Carrol.

After the concert, there was time for a more than relaxed conversation with the "Tiroler Krone", during which the 71-year-old Hollywood legend did not rule out a possible return to the big screen.

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