Open since 1971

The oldest disco in the country asks for the last dance

04.05.2024 13:00

For 53 years, the "Gei" in Timelkam has been the place to be at weekends. In recent years, the many village festivals have given the disco a run for its money. Playing every Friday and Saturday is no longer profitable. That's why the venue will only open on certain occasions. The closing party will take place on Wednesday, May 8.

The "Gei" in Timelkam has had to reinvent itself time and again in order to survive as a disco and meeting place for the alternative scene. Now the next big change is imminent. "We will no longer open every Friday and Saturday, but only for certain events or external events. We are now focusing on quality instead of quantity. If this attempt doesn't work either, we'll have to close for good," says Caroline Föttinger.

The "Gei" bosses Caroline Föttinger and Andreas Willstorfer with their children Louisa (8) and Max. (Bild: Wenzel Markus)
The "Gei" bosses Caroline Föttinger and Andreas Willstorfer with their children Louisa (8) and Max.

Due to the many competing events organized by youth organizations and clubs, it has recently become increasingly difficult for bars and dance halls. "In addition, the municipality has increased the entertainment tax to 20 percent," says the restaurateur.

The rumor mill is churning
Now the boss of the oldest dance hall in Upper Austria and her partner Andreas Willstorfer are inviting guests to the last dance next Wednesday at the so-called closing. "We deliberately chose this word. The strategy worked, the rumor mill is churning that we're closing for good," says the 37-year-old.

The restaurant has been a meeting place for the alternative scene since 1971 (Bild: Wenzel Markus)
The restaurant has been a meeting place for the alternative scene since 1971

In 2011, she and Willstorfer took over the "cult disco" and officially renamed it "Gei Musikclub". Before that, it was just a nickname derived from the venue's first logo, a parrot. The clientele was usually also colorful: from punks to bankers, from teenagers to people in their mid-forties - everyone celebrated legendary parties in the disco.

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