1:3 against Kapfenberg

A setback at the wrong time for the Rothosen

04.05.2024 08:55

After six rounds without defeat, the Rothosen suffered another defeat against KSV, with the final score being 1:3. Kapfenberg had three chances, Dornbirn many times more. The Orie team were denied a second penalty, which proved to be decisive in the end.

In the round before last against Sturm II, it took FC Dornbirn just over a minute to fall behind. In the home game against KSV on Friday evening, the Rothosen only kept the score at zero for a little longer - goalkeeper Jakob Odehnal had to reach behind him in the sixth minute. Miskovic was alone in the center after a cross-field pass and had no problem slotting home to give KSV the lead.

It was to be Kapfenberg's only chance in the first half. The game was controlled by the home side from Birkenwiese. However, they did not yet show the necessary consistency in the attacking third - Anteo Fetahu and Felix Mandl missed the best opportunities in the first 45 minutes.

Dornbirn coach Eric Orie is still hoping to keep the team in League Two. (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Dornbirn coach Eric Orie is still hoping to keep the team in League Two.

Dornbirn coach Orie made a change at the break, bringing on another striker in Ramon after starting with the same starting eleven as against Sturm, just as he had done at half-time against Graz. This was immediately noticeable, as the Brazilian secured balls in the attacking third and the Reds continued to close down their table rivals.

Fetahu's free-kick was deflected over the crossbar by KSV goalkeeper Strebinger. A short time later, however, the former team goalkeeper was powerless. Ramon had extended a throw-in in the penalty area with his head to Mandler's hand, and FCD defender Stefan Umjenovic confidently dispatched the resulting penalty to equalize the score at 1:1.

Stefan Umjenovic (l.) had scored the 1:1 equalizer against KSV from the penalty spot. (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Stefan Umjenovic (l.) had scored the 1:1 equalizer against KSV from the penalty spot.

No second whistle
When substitute Mateusinho fell in the penalty area in the 83rd minute, referee Talic should have pointed to the spot again - again Mandler was the culprit, this time he left his leg out. A clearly wrong decision that was to cost the Reds.

They were denied another goal in the final phase. They were lucky - or rather had a brilliant keeper - when Odenahl deflected a shot from Laimhofer onto the crossbar. No luck, however, when Hofleitner headed KSV back into the lead shortly afterwards. And only shortly afterwards, he increased the lead to 3:1. A bitter blow for the Orie team, who suffered another defeat after six rounds.

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