More overnight stays

Despite inflation: vacations in Tyrol remain popular

25.04.2024 07:00

Tourism recovered quickly after the pandemic. Then came inflation and fears that the travel market would collapse. But this has not yet been the case in Tirol. The current figures for winter and the outlook for summer show this.

People are still skiing on the mountains, while cyclists, golfers and hikers are out and about in the valley. This is an appealing simultaneity with which Tirol can score points in the shoulder seasons. This image also describes where the journey is headed. Year-round tourism is the declared goal.

It is more sustainable, creates high-quality jobs and more added value. "We must no longer think in terms of seasons, but in terms of activities," said Karin Seiler, Managing Director of Tirol Werbung, at a press conference with State Councillor for Tourism Mario Gerber (ÖVP) and Alois Rainer, Chairman of the Tourism and Leisure Industry Division of the Tyrolean Chamber of Commerce.

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The rigid structures of winter and summer are increasingly dissolving, seasons and activities are becoming more and more blurred.

Karin Seiler ist die erste Frau an der Spitze der Tirol Werbung. (Bild: Julia Tuertscher)

Karin Seiler, Tirol Werbung

Winter season with significantly more overnight stays
For the balance sheets, however, people are still thinking in terms of seasons. Even though the winter will not be settled until the end of April, one thing is already clear: it was a good season. "24.4 million overnight stays by the end of March represent an increase of 4.8 percent compared to the previous year. 5.5 million guests came to Tirol," Gerber names two key figures. The balance is not quite as good as before the pandemic. However, Gerber emphasizes that they don't want to break any records anyway. He prefers to talk about the added value, "which amounts to 3.76 billion euros when adjusted for inflation".

Tirol has so much to offer hikers. The picture shows the region around Imst. (Bild: Rudi Wyhlidal / WEST - Kollreide)
Tirol has so much to offer hikers. The picture shows the region around Imst.

Concerns that inflation could cost Tirol many winter guests have so far been unfounded. According to Seiler and Gerber's analysis, if the quality is right, guests will also accept the price. The Tyrolean advertising agency cited a market analysis: "If the rating of a 4-star hotel improves by one percent, guests are prepared to spend 100 euros more for a room."

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In addition to energy and increasingly short-term bookings, the issue of manpower is a perennial issue in the industry.

(Bild: Birbaumer Christof)

Alois Rainer, Wirtschaftskammer

The mood for the upcoming summer season is positive. According to the survey, around three quarters of accommodation providers are satisfied or very satisfied with the booking situation. Rainer: "The issues of energy costs and recruitment remain a challenge." Rainer pleads for apprentices from third countries, for example.

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