Poll in Italy:

Meloni’s party weakens, left on the rise

23.04.2024 20:11

Six weeks before the EU elections, the popularity of the post-fascist governing party "Fratelli d Italia" (Brothers of Italy - FdI) led by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is falling, according to a poll. The opposition Social Democrats, on the other hand, are on a slight upswing.

According to a survey conducted by the opinion research institute SWG, Meloni's party has fallen to 26.8 percent, which is 0.4 percent less than a month ago. FdI remains the strongest single party.

Five Star Movement in third place
According to the poll published by TV station "La 7" on Tuesday, the strongest Italian opposition party, the Democratic Party (PD - Partito Democratico), gained 0.6 percent of the vote and reached 20 percent. The left-wing populist Five Star Movement led by former Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte came third with 15.9%.

The Lega allied with Meloni's party, led by Transport Minister Matteo Salvini, was expected to achieve 8.5% of the vote in the EU parliamentary elections, while Forza Italia, founded by ex-prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, who died in June, landed 8.4%.

The election campaign for the EU parliamentary elections in Italy is entering the decisive phase. On Sunday and Monday, the election symbols were deposited with the Ministry of the Interior in Rome. 42 party symbols were presented in view of the election duel that will take place in Italy on June 8 and 9. In the meantime, the parties are also fine-tuning their electoral lists, which must be submitted by May 1. Several heavyweights in Italian politics are taking part in the election campaign.

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