Graz Reininghaus

Tropical explosion of plastic, concrete and metal

24.04.2024 09:00

Christina Helena Romirer's interest in space stems from her profession. The trained stage designer is currently showing the exhibition "tropical explosion" in the Green Tower in Graz-Reininghaus, in which she explores closed-off urban spaces.

Bollards, bars and barriers of all kinds can be found in the pop-up exhibition space in the recently completed Green Tower in Graz-Reininghaus. However, a stronger force seems to undermine their preventive intention. Tropical plants grow out of and around them, but all of them are made from collected plastic.

One show, many problems
With these aesthetically very appealing works, Romirer addresses several pressing issues of our time. On the one hand, it is about urban spaces and their (prevented) use by the inhabitants, but on the other, it is also about our relationship with nature. The exotic plants, which often grow to unimagined sizes in their countries of origin, are deliberately kept small in the pots. A way of appropriating and controlling nature that we are often not even aware of.

Exhibition view (Bild: M. Reichart)
Exhibition view

Finally, the littering of the world with plastic and recycling are also the subject of this exciting and appealing show. The exhibition, curated by Nicole Pruckermayr for the Styrian Cultural Initiative (in cooperation with the Graz-Reininghaus District Association), is on display until May 12, Thursday to Saturday from 3pm to 7pm. On April 30, a talk with the artist and tree expert Gernot Barmüller awaits (5 pm).

Zukunftspläne der Kulturinitiative
Weitere Ausstellungen und ein Kunstprojekt

The Styrian Cultural Initiative has a lot planned this year under the direction of Nicole Pruckermayr. Together with the Graz-Reininghaus district, an exhibition of cinematic works by Lotte Schreiber and a group exhibition entitled "A room for me" are in the pipeline.

And there is also a collaboration with the multi-year recycling art project "In Search of Fulfillment", which will take place on Mariahilferplatz in Graz from 15 to 31 May and is intended to inspire reflection with a used clothing sculpture, performances and discourse formats.

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