"Conscious signal"

Industry advocates a 41-hour week

22.04.2024 12:56

The Federation of Austrian Industries (IV) has proposed a 41-hour week instead of a reduction in working hours. Prosperity is only created through performance and working hours per employee in Austria have already fallen sharply in recent years, argued General Secretary Christoph Neumayer.

The increase in working hours is intended without a higher salary. In any case, how to deal with this must be discussed during the collective agreement negotiations, Neumayer said in response to his proposal. He also wants to tackle the "vast number of public holidays" in this country. "Please understand it as a conscious signal."

Less performance these days?
Young people are more demanding when it comes to choosing a job. At the same time, some sectors are desperately looking for staff. The IV Secretary General also fears that fewer and fewer people want to perform above and beyond the norm. This is why we need ways to find meaningful work.

Lack of prospects
IV Chief Economist Christian Helmenstein pointed out on Monday that many young people no longer see any prospects despite their performance. In this context, he pointed to rising house prices. Another problem is that industries such as paper and cardboard are relocating their production to other countries as energy costs have risen sharply.

According to Neumayer, the environment for collective bargaining has also become more difficult. The mechanism is "from the middle of the last century". The world of work needs to move away from this; more flexibility is needed. "In Austria, we are not there yet, that is noticeable, but we are at a point where it has to happen."

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