Up to 75 % subsidy

The Energie Graz heat pumpPLUS

15.04.2024 00:01

Ecological heating solutions are becoming increasingly popular. The switch from fossil fuels to environmentally friendly forms of heating is becoming increasingly important. Energie Graz's heat pumpPLUS is an ecological, efficient and flexible heating solution, especially for those who do not have access to district heating where they live. The best thing about it: you now have the opportunity to benefit from a subsidy of up to 75 percent!

Mario Maier is responsible for heat pumps at Energie Graz and advises interested parties on the product: "With the heat pumpPLUS, we have a product that adapts to the individual requirements of our customers. Thanks to Energie Graz's all-round carefree package, they get everything from a single source."

The heat pump with that certain plus
With the all-round carefree package, customers receive everything from a single source - Energie Graz takes care of everything from the consultation, during which the funding options are also discussed, to the planning and installation of a tailor-made solution and the commissioning of the system.

The Energie Graz heat pumpPLUS can be combined with individually selectable modules. In addition to heating, the heat pumpPLUS can also be used to heat water or for cooling. It can also be combined with the installation of a photovoltaic system, a battery storage unit or an electromobility charging station. These modules enable tailor-made offers to suit every need!

Ecological and efficient
Unlike other forms of heating, the heat pump does not burn fossil fuels. Instead, it obtains the required heat directly from the environment - the ground, the sun, groundwater or the air. Heat pumps convert these renewable energies into comfortable heat or hot water. This makes a heat pump particularly environmentally friendly, as the heat pump itself is completely emission-free.

If it is also operated with electricity from 100% renewable sources, it is practically climate-neutral. Heat pumps also have excellent energy efficiency, as they generate three to four times the heating output from one kilowatt hour of electricity. This results in sustainable and stable heating costs in the long term. It is also ideal for existing radiators. You can find more information about the heat pumpPLUS and current funding opportunities HERE.

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