Gang rape

12-year-old girl abused: 8 suspects known to the police

04.04.2024 20:13

There is now news in the case of the 12-year-old girl who was allegedly raped several times by a group of teenagers between February and June 2023. Eight of the 18 suspects were already known to Vienna's child and youth welfare services before the crime - but not for sexual assault.

One suspect is being investigated on suspicion of raping twelve-year-old Anna (name changed), while the others are suspected of sexual abuse of a minor. The suspects include 13 underage boys aged between 14 and 18 and one young adult aged 19. Two suspects are not yet 14 years old. One perpetrator is still unknown.

"We know eight of the 17 suspects", MA-11 spokeswoman Ingrid Pöschmann was quoted as saying.

Endangerment report due to neglect
However, none of the suspects is known to MA 11 to have a history of sexual assault. Two of the boys had attracted attention due to violent behavior, and parents of other children had reported them to the police. In almost all of the families with whom MA 11 had already been working before the assaults, there had been "economic problems". "Some of the families contacted us directly. Inflation and its consequences are a major challenge for many," said Pöschmann in the "Kurier".

In some families, there have also been reports of endangerment - due to neglect, psychological and physical violence towards the children. "In cases where child protection could not be guaranteed, we intervened," emphasized Pöschmann. "Endangerment assessments are now taking place. The question is what the young people need now to change their behavior," said the MA 11 spokesperson. The measures for this are individually tailored to the person concerned, for example various therapy offers or anti-violence training are possible.
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