Children at odds

Alain Delon (88) gets administrator for his assets

04.04.2024 20:21

The 88-year-old French film star Alain Delon is no longer allowed to manage his financial affairs alone. His legal guardianship, which was previously mainly responsible for medical decisions, has now been extended, according to a source familiar with the case on Thursday. "This means that he no longer has complete freedom in the management of his assets," they said.

It was not initially known whether a guardian had already been appointed or who this might be. The increased guardianship also means that the guardian has access to Delon's bank account and can make expenses for the 88-year-old.

Daughter sued her brothers
Alain Delon's three children have been engaged in a fierce dispute for months over where and how their father should be treated. 33-year-old Anouchka recently sued her brothers, 59-year-old Anthony and 29-year-old Alain-Fabien, for violating her right to privacy. Alain-Fabien had published a secretly recorded conversation between Anouchka and her father and accused her of manipulating her father.

Among other things, the dispute revolves around the question of whether the actor should spend the rest of his life in his house in France or move to Switzerland, where his daughter Anouchka lives - and where inheritance tax is likely to be lower. Delon also has Swiss citizenship.

Daughter to inherit half of the fortune
According to his eldest son Anthony Delon, the film star has stipulated in his will that Anouchka should inherit half of his fortune and his two sons a quarter each. In public, the actor had often preferred his daughter to his sons.

According to the French media, she not only has a leading position in the company that manages her father's licenses and advertising contracts, but also a villa with its own swimming pool on Delon's property in Douchy, south of Paris. Delon had suffered several strokes and, according to his children, can only make himself understood with difficulty.

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