From the beach to the kitchen

Pamela Anderson reveals veggie cooking secrets

04.04.2024 15:29

From the Malibu beach to the kitchen. Pamela Anderson has now surprised the world by announcing that she will be publishing her own "lifestyle cookbook".

And her purely plant-based recipes come - according to the title - from the heart. The 56-year-old has put together 80 delicious dishes on 288 pages.

Recipe cards
Some of the recipes are family recipes that Pam gave to her sons Brandon and Dylan on recipe cards when they moved in with their girlfriends.

She revealed on Instagram: "I labeled all the cards 'I Love You' on the front. My idea for the cookbook came from this project."

Recipes from all over the world
She has topped up her own creations with recipes "from all over the world". As a foretaste, the "Baywatch" sex bomb posted excerpts from her new cookbook.

She herself is also pictured in the photos - in the garden of her family home on Vancouver Island, where she has moved. Although she does not provide a sample recipe, she does provide a snapshot of a peach pie.

"I Love You by Pamela Anderson: Recipes from the Heart" comes onto the market on October 15. And Pam can hardly wait "until you have them all at home too - from our family to yours!"

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