Suspicion of a rip-off

Six people charged after buying a guesthouse

03.04.2024 18:00

More than four years ago, a lakeside villa on Lake Traunsee changed hands for 750,000 euros. However, the house is said to have been worth at least 1.6 million euros. The buyers are accused of ripping off the old homeowner. They were charged with aggravated fraud.

Two managing directors of a real estate company, two lawyers, a notary and a real estate agent are facing charges of aggravated fraud. The maximum sentence is ten years in prison. The accused, who claim not to be persons of public interest, allegedly ripped off the then 83-year-old owner of a lakeside guesthouse in Gmunden. The presumption of innocence applies.

The property changed hands for around €750,000. According to the indictment, the value was €1.66 million. The defendants are accused of taking advantage of the owner's clearly recognizable legal incapacity. The old lady gave her date of birth as May 33, 1936. The notary notarized her signature.

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Despite previous experience, we have no doubts about the independent courts.

Die beschuldigten Käufer

The six people see the upcoming main hearing as an opportunity to present their side of the story and answer unanswered questions. For them, it is clear that they have always acted honestly and correctly. The sale was very well considered. The property had been offered for sale by an estate agent for two years. Reference is also made to the civil proceedings held, in which the company had to return the property. However, it is said to have been established that the seller's legal incapacity was not recognizable to any of the parties involved.

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We are convinced that we will be able to explain our position to the court on the basis of the objective facts and that the proceedings will have a positive outcome as a result.

Die beschuldigten Käufer

Three court experts also confirmed that the purchase price was reasonable. "It was within the range for the acquired part of the property. Only the valuation of the lease agreement with the Federal Forestry Office has different valuation approaches," according to a joint statement.

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