Drama in the Innviertel

15-year-old had a fatal accident on his moped

01.04.2024 11:35

A horrific accident drama took place on Sunday night in front of police officers in Tarsdorf (Upper Austria). A 15-year-old moped rider crashed head-on into a car. The boy had to be resuscitated and later succumbed to his serious injuries in hospital. The driver of the car was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the accident.

The patrol officers were driving their police car in the village of Hofweiden (municipality of Tarsdorf) at around 9 pm. When they came across the 15-year-old moped driver from Ostermiething. Looking in the rear-view mirror, they happened to witness the tragedy. They observed how the boy crashed head-on into a car following behind the patrol car before a long bend.

The scene of the accident in Tarsdorf (Bild: Pressefoto Scharinger © Daniel Scharinger)
The scene of the accident in Tarsdorf

The two-wheeler rider was thrown over the roof of the car driven by a 34-year-old from Hochburg-Ach and lay motionless on the asphalt.

Witnesses provided first aid
The people attending an adjacent garden party immediately rushed to the casualty and gave him first aid. The officers also turned around and started resuscitation measures with the support of other first aiders. A team of emergency doctors arrived shortly afterwards and took care of the teenager.

The emergency doctor continued the resuscitation attempts after his arrival (Bild: Ronny Rose - stock.adobe.com)
The emergency doctor continued the resuscitation attempts after his arrival

The 15-year-old was stabilized to some extent for transport and taken to hospital, where doctors fought for his life. Unfortunately, the injuries were too severe and the boy died during the night.

A breathalyzer test carried out on the driver was positive - he had more than 1.4 per mille in his blood. The man's driver's license was confiscated. His alcohol consumption presumably had no influence on the accident.

Friends and relatives of the victim left candles, flowers, photos and a teddy bear at the scene of the accident on Monday.

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