
“It’s often just pseudo-politics!”

29.03.2024 17:20

In a krone.tv interview with Jürgen Winterleitner, SPÖ Member of the National Council and Consumer Protection Spokesperson Christian Drobits (SPÖ) comments on the current strikes at Austrian Airlines (AUA), rising inflation and the challenges in the digital space. Drobits supports the demands of the AUA on-board staff and criticizes the greed of large corporations: "In times of inflation, it is of course also important that salaries and wages are higher!"

The SPÖ politician emphasizes the importance of fair pay in relation to the increased cost of living and criticizes the attitude of the AUA management. "I am a little disappointed with the way AUA and the management are currently acting," says Drobits, who is hoping for a quick and amicable solution to the conflict.

Gap between rich and poor is widening
With regard to the growing gap between rich and poor and the record profits of large energy companies, Drobits says: "The question of distributive justice is now being raised as never before." He calls for the enormous profits to be distributed fairly and to benefit the entire population.

Government is pursuing "pseudopolitics"
"We have large corporations in Austria that take part in this kind of rip-off." Drobits talks about so-called "shrinkflation". This refers to reducing the portion sizes of consumer goods or filling a smaller quantity in order to conceal inflation.Drobits sees a clear line from the SPÖ in this regard and is also calling for this from the government: "It's easy, we can make legal changes." The ÖVP-Greens government, on the other hand, "often only pursues a pseudo-policy."

"Older people are being left in the lurch"
In the krone.tv talk with Jürgen Winterleitner, SPÖ Member of the National Council Drobits also addresses the digital challenges, in particular the problems faced by older people in dealing with digital technologies: "Older people have no way of doing this analogously and by application," he criticizes and calls for accessible solutions for all citizens, regardless of their technical affinity.

Is the SPÖ too far to the left?
Asked by Jürgen Winterleitner whether the SPÖ's position is too far to the left, Drobits says: "What is left? What is right? What is center? Politics must serve the people." And he adds: "The coalition with the people is important. I stand by that too. If you do that, you win elections."

What does Christian Drobits think of SPÖ party chairman Andreas Babler? And what offers does the SPÖ have for young people? You can see this and more in the video above.

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