Farmhouse burnt down

After flame inferno: identity of body clarified!

25.03.2024 15:59

The body found in a burnt down farmhouse in the Tyrolean Wildschönau (Kufstein district) in mid-March is undoubtedly that of one of the residents. This was the result of a DNA comparison, the State Office of Criminal Investigation announced on Monday.

An autopsy at the Innsbruck forensic medicine department had initially been unable to clarify the identity of the corpse due to the condition of the human remains. The fire investigators assume that the fire was an accident and not the fault of a third party.

Fire probably started in the kitchen
Due to the condition of the corpse, it remains unclear how the deceased ultimately died, as well as the exact cause of the accident. However, the fire probably started in the kitchen, LKA investigator Philipp Rapold told APA. This was suggested by traces of fire.

According to this, the stove had been switched on. Rapold confirmed that the investigation into the identity of the deceased and the cause of death and fire had therefore been completed.

The fire broke out on the night of March 14. The building burned down completely. Two men had last lived in the house. One resident had been found elsewhere, and a search was initially still underway for the second. After the extinguishing work was completed, a body was finally found during the search in the house, which was in danger of collapsing. It is now clear that this was the second occupant.

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