Lower sentencing age

Edtstadler: “It’s not about children in prison!”

25.03.2024 15:30

The demand to lower the age of criminal responsibility is not about "locking children up in prison", explains Constitutional Minister Karoline Edtstadler in the krone.tv talk. With regard to the challenges of anti-Semitism in the country, she sees "a marathon, not a sprint".

Following a terrible case of abuse in Vienna, there has recently been discussion about lowering the age of criminal responsibility. According to the minister, this is not about locking children up in prison. We know that nobody gets better here. "It's about linking measures to the age of criminal responsibility."

"Sensible and enforceable measures"
There are also countries in Europe that have set the age of criminal responsibility at under 14, such as Switzerland and France. Justice Minister Alma Zadić (Greens) recently rejected the idea of lowering the age of criminal responsibility and spoke of occasion-based legislation. Edtstadler does not understand this "reflexive no" from the Greens. It was necessary to take sensible and enforceable measures here.

On October 7, Hamas' terrorist attack on Israel had opened Pandora's box. Since then, there has been an enormous increase in anti-Semitic incidents, particularly online.

The internet must be turned into a space that is in the best interests of us all, says Edtstadler. The willingness to take action against anti-Semitism online is also present among the major players in social media, according to the politician, who has already clarified the front in talks with CEOs. But civil society also needs to be sensitized. Because: anti-Semitism is not immediately recognizable as such for everyone, but is hidden in codes, deep fakes, but also conspiracy narratives, says Edtstadler.

"Today against Jews, tomorrow against others"
Edtstadler openly admits that reducing anti-Semitism and hate speech to zero is still an illusion. "Nevertheless, we have to work every day to combat hate online and inform the public. It starts there, but it doesn't stop there. Today it is directed against Jews, tomorrow against others." For a society without hate, you have to start with anti-Semitism.

Watch the full interview with Karoline Edtstadler in the video above!

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